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Υouth CareerPath Coaching


It is addressed to

Adolescents (15+ y.o.), who wish to

- seek academic / career guidance

- make informed decisions about studies

prepare for studies abroad



- Define goals/motives/expectations

- Decide upon studies and professional direction

- Select & Prepare for postgraduate studies

Length of process*

Length of session*



45' - 60'



45' / 60' / 90'



45' / 60' / 90'

*depending on individual needs

The sessions

Are individually held and take place through web-conferencing.

Frequency of sessions

Sessions occur on a weekly basis, unless otherwise agreed upon.

Length of process

The process of Career Guidance, which involves the development of self-awareness, typically spans over a period of 5-6 weeks. However, the total duration of the program is determined based on each individual's needs and is agreed upon in advance, in collaboration with the student and their parents/guardians.

The above programmes are provided separately or in combination.

Academic / Career guidance

Application process to Tertiary Education

Our coaching intervention is customized to each client's personality and needs. We refrain from offering success recipes or ready-made solutions because they simply do not exist. The coachee’s active involvement and commitment to the process are prerequisites for a successful outcome.

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